IAEA, INSTA and ANENT are working together to run an Excutive Porgramme for Educators (EPE). The EPE consists of two phases:1 &2. Phase 1 includes 3 E-learning modules. Participants who completed IAEA-INSTA-ANENT E-Learning Executive Programme for Educators Phase 1 successfully are eligible to apply for the Phase 2: INSTA Schools which will be held face to face:
Q4 2024: INSTA School on Nuclear Engineering, China
Q1 2025: INSTA School on Radiation Medicine, Malaysia
Q2 2025: INSTA School on Advanced Radiation Protection, Japan
The first E-learning EPE phase 1 is launching from 8 April to 8 October 2024. International Nuclear Science and Technology Academy (INSTA) in cooperation with Asian Network for Education and Training in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) and Open University Malaysia (OUM) are running this E-learning modules. The e-learning courses will take place over 6 months, including a kick-off meeting, closing meeting, lectures, Q&A, assignments, and examination. The lectures will cover the following:
Module 1: Learning Approaches and Strategies for the 21st Century
Module 2: Global Agenda, Laws and Treaties
Module 3: Roles of NST in Development
The obejctives of this e-learning course are:
(1) To develop deeper understanding of the global agenda, legislation and treaties related to nuclear science and technology (NST);
(2) To promote growth, research, development and innovation of NST in one own's field;
(3) To imporve comptetency in imparting knowledge on NST through effective learning and facilitation;
(4) To strengthen collaboration towards improving NST education and optimize nuclear knowledge management collectively; and
(5) To inspire new generation of educators on benefits and potential of NST for socio-economic development.
Updated Portrait Poster IAEA-INSTA-ANENT E-Learning Programme.pdf